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Clips of Ivonne's recent speaking engagements

PAVE: Red Zone Summit 2023: Coalition Work
In this clip, Ivonne discusses the importance of coalition work in addressing sexual assault violence. She provides examples, including the University of Maryland's 10 Man/10 Woman Plan.
PAVE: Red Zone Summit 2023: Importance of language
In this clip, Ivonne emphasizes the importance of explicitly naming sexual violence. She argues that using euphemisms minimizes the impact of the harm caused to survivors. Ivonne discusses how college campuses need to improve their responses by centering on the care and well-being of survivors.

Power of Women Summit 2024: Breaking down Barriers
In this clip, Ivonne shares her perspective on breaking barriers. She begins by discussing her anticipation of facing discrimination in the workplace and society. However, what surprised her was encountering discrimination while working at an organization where the majority of the staff were BIPOC, and the mission was to support BIPOC college-aged students. For Ivonne, breaking barriers means making systemic changes and ensuring that others who look like her can be in the room and hold similar leadership positions.
Power of Women Summit 2024
Ivonne discusses her understanding of intersectionality, highlighting its multi-layered nature and how it affects a person's experience in various spaces.

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